Thursday, August 25, 2011

WWE News: Mick Foley Confirms Talks with WWE During Interview

In a follow up to my previous article where Mick Foley suggested that he was on the verge of a WWE comeback, he has now confirmed that he has been in talks with the company for a return to where he won three world championships.

While talking to The Wrestling Voice (b/w WrestleScoop), Foley said it was a matter of working out how many dates he is willing to leave his family for and what he can schedule it around. He hinted that he would make an appearance on WWE TV in November when his UK comedy tour coincides with the Liverpool RAW and SmackDown tapings.

Foley also expressed an interest to help out backstage, but added that he has a few more good matches left in him and is dropping weight so that if he is called up then he will be healthy enough to compete.

So I guess that response to the fan who asked about another match with The Undertaker wasn't sarcastic after all. I already said a lot in the last article about how I felt about a Foley return, but I'll just reiterate it.

WWE should have no problem with using Foley to sell tickets. Advertising special appearances and so forth is good business because he will bring older fans to at least watch his part. But bringing him back to wrestle upsets a balance within the company.

There are plenty of young guys who are waiting for the opportunity, yet get passed over to capture the illusive past fans. Sure, it's nice to see The Rock, Steve Austin and the guys from yesterday every now and then, but there is a reason why those older fans don't watch the product today.

They aren't fans anymore. Whether this is down to their change in tastes or their lack of interest in the product is irrelevant. WWE should be trying to make a compelling program for the people who watch today and keep in mind what will be popular tomorrow.

Yes, the Attitude Era was fun to watch and had some great moments, but it's over. The fans that left after this period of time ended are not the people you should cater your product to anymore. Sure, give Foley his last match, but don't expect it to revive any lost chunk of viewing figures from a decade ago.

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