Hello Bleachers of the night, see what I did there, I’m sooo smart.
I have been following WWE since 1994 and one thing that consistently irritates me is the homophobic undertones that are being inserted into superstars’ speeches and promos. The biggest offender for the past few years has been the biggest face of the WWE: John Cena. Here are some of his great quotes over the years:
“Don’t go racing to Witch Mountain Rock, because your mountain is Brokeback!” – implying that the Rock is gay and should therefore go to Brokeback Mountain, which was a title of an Oscar winning movie about two gay cowboys.
“I’m not your average jebroni, I’m a big, purple pin wheel Rock so go ahead and blow me“ – once again implying that the Rock is gay and should therefore give him oral sex...Really?
“Gangrel was sucking blood but you were sucking something else...You went from swallowing blood to blowing people's kazoos.” – this was directed at Christian back in 2005.
“Forget your mouthpiece; I'll put my piece into your mouth” – this was directed at Kurt Angle in 2005. A minute after that he looks at Edge and says, “You think you know me, John Cena is a big pin wheel so go ahead and blow me.” So not only is he obsessed with men giving him oral sex but he is also lacking fresh material these days.

Here is a link if you don’t believe me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIEOi0DpUNg&feature=related
Cut to 2:40
And do I have to remind people that back in 2004 he walked around and told people to suck "dis nuts". All Cena does in a promo is make gay jokes. For the second week in a row Cena has come out and attempted to insult his opponent, first The Rock on February 21 then The Miz on February 28, by claiming that they were in some way or another gay.
I would like to state that I’m not a homosexual but I do live in Vancouver, Canada where same sex marriage is legal and the gay culture is seen in a very positive light, and from what I have seen on the news that isn’t the case in some of the American states. I just wanted to share with you a bit of my background, now back to my point.
First off, how is a superstar any less of a champion if he is gay or better yet, how is he any less of a man if he is gay? The answer is: he isn’t plain and simple.
The fact that Cena is trying to put down a superstar by claiming that they are gay just makes him look like a homophobe. Secondly, the WWE has to have seen the news of young gay Americans all around the country killing themselves because they were teased, bullied and beaten at school all because they were gay. Every time he makes these comments, Cena promotes homophobic views and makes it acceptable to mock gays and lesbians in public.

What makes this even more disturbing is that the WWE, with its new PG rating, is a family friendly place and a big influence on the young kids that watch it.
What are these kids going to think when they see their hero openly mock gays in public with a smile on his face, as 20,000 people are cheering him on?
Now I’m not saying that he should be fired or that the WWE should make an anti-bulling campaign that will cost them millions of dollars. What I think they should do is just stop implying that being gay makes you in any way less of a man or a woman or a human or anything else because it doesn’t.
Some may disagree with my views on this topic, and I’m not asking you to change your personal views on the issue, but just to recognize there is a small minority of people, (10 percent if the statistics are right) that are being insulted for no reason what so ever and that must stop.
On top of that, there are much better insults Cena or any other wrestler can come up with besides calling someone gay.
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